Sunday 2 July 2017

Keeping Your Relationship Strong after Kids

When children come along there is a tendency for couples to lose focus on themselves. The focus can turn from each other to the children.  What couples forget is that in a few years the children will be gone off to boarding school or University, which will force the couple to focus back on the two of them.  To avoid rekindling after years, I have a few tips to try and keep the fire going:

1. Set aside time in the day to catch up.  The schedule of the children should not be too crazy to not give you enough time to catch up.  Your child's sleep routine could be adjusted to make some time for you and your partner.

2. No Gadgets Time: Try have some time with no interruptions from your phones or laptops or TV.  That time that you plan could be once or twice a week where you can plan a fun one hour activity together where it is just the two of you, even if it is washing the dishes, preparing supper or taking a walk together.

3. Do not focus on the small issues. Emotions can be really high when you have a child; your wife may be tired from the change of pattern, your husband may feel lonely and tired from work, leading to both parties being irritable. Take the time to do the small things for each other. Surprise her with her favorite chocolate, surprise him by leaving a note in his care/bag to remind him you love him. It makes the day bearable.

4. Bond with the children. Do something together with the children that both of you used to do.  This gives you time to see how your partner is around the children and you grow together as parents.

It isn't bad to want to include your children in some of your activities, but make sure it is something that your partner wants to do as well when it comes to sharing their time with the children.

Just try and remind each other what made you fall in love

Till next happy


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