Beginning of term is such a tough time for parents, getting kids back into the sleep routine. Some parents maintain the same sleep routine for school and holiday, which I must commend, its all about discipline and consistency.
The nice thing is that we are not alone! So many parents struggle with the same thing, and some were kind enough to share how they get around the madness of getting a sleep routine. I must say some are hilarious, and some are quite interesting:
I just say it’s bed time and they got to their room, next thing I know they are asleep
Just give them the eye. It works, my mom used it on us. Im 40 and i still go to bed at 8pm
Routine works for us. Switch of tv. brush teeth, bath go to bed.
Its a struggle supper is always at 6. i make mine go to bed at 7 so that they brush their teeth and pray and they are asleep by 8. House rules include who ever jumps out of bed is punished if i hear anyone talking you are punished coz its at bed time where funny requests start coming like can I have some water? My leg is sore or the other one did this n that but Friday they can do pungwe if they want.Holiday bed time is 8 .The last week b4 schools open we revert bk to 7.
Routine helps. Turning off devices and TV, even just dimming the house as well. From the time they eat supper I'm talking about bed and tomorrow. Then I give them some free non TV time - then it's time to brush teeth (at that point everyone knows it's game over!) Then bed
I send them to their beds...after all pre - bedtime time protocol has been observed...once they are in bed..I give them 15 -20 minutes ..of reading time and turn off the's up to them whether they sleep or not....
I firstly tell them it’s bed time in 20min then count down every 5min. Then at 1min I start asking them to walk to their rooms. If I’m not seeing responsiveness I read “the riot act” which includes threats for no WiFi and no TV or video games for the entire month (usually after this, everyone has started dreaming in 5mins) but if not, I follow through on my threats and the lesson is learnt....
Have a routine they can follow its easier to adjust. They should have supper on time. Go and brush teeth, read a story, pray and lights out. Have a routine for the whole day and be consistent.
they shld play hard during the day
Remove stimulants
Switch of the TV and let them play hard during the not yet a parent though but this worked on me as a child
I e been sleep training Nailah from when she was 2 months old. She is 6 now still takes a 2 hr day nap and is asleep by 8pm (9:30pm on weekends) up at 6 school days and 8am weekends.
My almost 6 week old has started responding to a routine. ( Of course prior to that it was sleep, wake up to eat, maybe play and repeat whenever she wanted). We started doing feeding, bath, massage and reading to her in that order at 7.30pm.She falls asleep during the reading. When she wakes up to feed at night, I do it quietly with dimmed lights and she falls asleep right after....
U let them get used to the sleeping time you want them to. And with time they will get used to that time.
I gave them a bedtime earlier than the target - “bedtime is 8pm” when I’m actually happy with 8.30. Also, we’re most at peace when we can stick with a wind-down routine (gadgets handed in, group reading, pyjama/ toothbrush mission, family reflection, lights off). It gets harder to keep this as they get older -
Start bed time 45 mins early. If bed is 8pm. Start routine at 715. By 745 they are done and ready. That way they can chit chat and wind down for 15 mins or so
I think they need to wind down...not just from Tv to chiendai kunorara izvezvi so...
Just tell them to go and don’t accept no for an answer, take all gadgets, switch off lights
I give them the Daddy look of Loco. They just run to bed
Thankyou to all the parents that shared their tactics, they are all different, but most say 'be consistent' in whatever you do
Different methods work for different children, which shows how different we are as human beings and we must always celebrate that.
Please check my Facebook page (Tafadzwa Elaine Mkondo) every Sunday for the next topic that we will discuss on Monday, and please share your thoughts or solutions. Parenting takes a village, and the more thoughts we share together, the more we can help each other
Till Next Monday
Stay Blessed
Happy Parenting!!
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