Sunday 2 July 2017

How To Raise Confident Children

That sticker says it all. Allow your child to have an opinion or to think of how to do something.  Because my family believes in me and what I am capable of, my confidence is boosted, and that is the same with a child. If you tell your child that they are not normal or think out of the ordinary or they need to stop being a dreamer, they will believe it, and you could crush their dreams.

We also tend to want to protect our children from getting hurt or disappointed, so we do not let them try or explore, which could also crush their dreams.

Here are some ideas we found 

1.       Let them try

Guide your children on what to do and let them listen to your instructions but also do it without you doing it for them. This will show them that you trust them

2. Appreciate the effort
Getting it right is not important; the effort is more important and that is what keeps them going and willing to try again. Acknowledge their effort

3. Use encouraging words
If they they get it wrong, let them know it is ok, and encourage them to try again. Ask them what they learnt and how they will do it differently

4. Encourage them to dream
Allow your children to dream of going to the moon or becoming president. It allows them to believe that anything is achievable, and they are not afraid to try
5. Give them tasks they can achieve
Do not set them up for failure, it will not achieve anything positive
It's all about encouragement and allowing them to dream and accepting them for who they are. That makes the great people we have today leading us and running corporations

Till next happy


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