Monday 17 July 2017

Did You Know This about Tea?

Tea is a 100% natural drink which is made without any artificial additives whatsoever. It is one of the most affordable drinks available in the Zimbabwean market today.
A lot of research has been done on the health benefits of tea consumption and some of the benefits which have been identified are as follows:
·      Tea in a rich source of the vitamin Thiamine which is required by the body.
·      Tea is high in natural antioxidants – which are a class of bio molecules which help fight cancer in the body.
·         Tea is a good source of calcium
·        Some research seems to point to the existence of a positive correlation between tea consumption and heart health.
·         Tea has a slightly anti-microbial effect and may help counter the prevalence of undesirable microbes say which cause mouth odours
·         Tea is over 90% water and as such it is a very convenient way of taking water especially in winter months when consuming plain water is not very appealing.
-    Tea therefore keeps the body hydrated.

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