Its World Breastfeeding Week!!!
World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from 1 to 7 August all over the globe to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world.
Growing up in Zimbabwe, you are given advice by your mom and other mothers on how to increase your milk. I heard people were told to eat nyimo (not sure the English word for that), sugar cane, drinks lots of water. I was told to drink alot of Mazowe Orange juice, VERY salty roasted peanuts, and my favorite was TEA!! I am a complete LOVER of tea...i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! So being told to drink it even more was like the best news ever! I can't say if all these things worked, I can definitely say I never ran out of milk, and I breastfed both my children for 18 months each. So no harm in trying them, plus its healthy stuff anyway
I enjoyed breastfeeding firstly because it was bonding time with my babies, just me and the baby for a good amount of time, actually a LONG time (boy did they love their milk!)
I also enjoyed it because it was a natural 'medication' so to speak. I HATE medication and I try to avoid it as much as possible. When my kids had colds, breastfeeding worked so naturally, and having them close to me kept them warm too
And the best part, it helped me lose my tummy!! Ladies it works!! I am a lazy person at keeping fit, if it weren't for breastfeeding, I would still be looking pregnant now, 4 years later!
Breastfeeding is a good way to tighten the belly because it causes the uterus to contract and quickly shrink back to its pre-baby size!!
Aside from my own reasons for breastfeeding, I have some other benefits of breastfeeding to share with you that I found online:
Breast milk helps keep your baby healthy.
- It supplies all the necessary nutrients in the proper proportions.
- It protects against allergies, sickness, and obesity.
- It protects against diseases, like diabetes and cancer.
- It protects against infections, like ear infections.
- It is easily digested – no constipation, diarrhea or upset stomach.
- Babies have healthier weights as they grow.
- Breastfed babies score higher on IQ tests.
Breast milk changes constantly to meet babies' needs.
The milk changes in volume and composition according to the time of day, nursing frequency, and age of baby to promote healthy growth. Breast milk is the perfect food for your baby.Breast milk is always ready and good for the environment.
- It is available wherever and whenever your baby needs it.
- It is always at the right temperature, clean and free.
- No bottles to clean.
- Breastfeeding has no waste, so it is good for the environment.
Why is Breastfeeding Important for You?
Mothers who breastfeed:- Have a reduced risk of Type 2 Diabetes and certain cancers such as breast cancer
- May find it easier to return to what they weighed before they got pregnant
- Strengthen the bond with their children
I hope this has helped you
Stay blessed!