Imagine being a mom of boys only, that means all the cleaning up and cooking is on you if you do not have someone to help you. It is a lot to handle, especially with the amount of energy boys have and their appetite as well; you will be on your feet most of the day.
Now imagine you have a boy and a girl, is it fair to make the girl do the housework because she is a girl? Is it wrong to have both of them help out around the house?
Some parents say boys are meant to do men's work, repairing, building, painting, those kind of things. They believe that prepares them to be men, and that they should NOT do housework.....that is 1 point of view.
Other parents believe boys should help out because it teaches them to appreciate what is done around the house and that it teaches them responsibility...that's another point of view.
I do not think your child loses anything by helping out around the house; he actually gains more and learns more.
- He will be more prepared for when he moves out or goes to university, he will be self sufficient;
- He gets to bond with mom and his other siblings. I think we know a lot is discussed when doing the dishes or cooking, its a good time to catch up with what is going on everyone's day;
- He also gets to appreciate what mom does and what his sisters do around the house, and hopefully will not be as messy or as unappreciative of what they did;
- He will be more responsible, and the earlier he learns this, the better for him;
- It also removes the idea that men should not be seen helping out around the house. It is actually quite nice to see a young man help set the table or help clear up, to them, its just helping out, nothing more.
For the mothers of all boys, I have seen some who have said everyone helps out, and I have seen others who will say they will do it all for their sons, and it works for them.
It really is all about what works best for you and your children
Till Next Monday
Stay Blessed
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