Wednesday 15 November 2017

When Is The Right Time To Introduce Your Child To Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

When you have children, your focus moves from yourself to your child (well that's what we hope). Whatever you do is now about how it will benefit your child or make your child a better person. I saw a quote that says 'A child will follow your example, not your advice', so whatever you do, know that your child is watching and learning.

What are the reasons people introduce their children to their partners? Here are some reasons are thought of:
  • Because they are in love and believe this is the person they will marry
  • Because they want to see how this person is with their child
  • Because they see nothing wrong with it
  • Because they want their child involved in everything they do

Introducing a boyfriend/girlfriend to your child is quite scary for the child. Depending on the age and maturity of the child, they react differently, and here are some reactions I have thought of:

  •  Because your child loves you and does not want to upset you, they will accept this person and hide their true feelings from you, but react badly in other ways;
  • The child could genuinely be ok with this new addition to your life;
  • The child could resist and hate this new person because they believe they are the cause of their parents' break up;
  • The child could resist or dislike this new person because they see this person as taking away your attention from them;
  • The child could be confused for a bit, not understand what is going on, but then react later in a negative way. 

Patience and I couldn't decide when would be the best time, so we thought of a few
  • When you first meet the person
  • When you see it is getting serious
  • When they have met your family and they approve
  • When you are engaged
It is important to not introduce your child to each and every partner, because they will look at relationships based on what they grew up seeing

This poster says it best. 

At the end of the day it is a personal decision, but I just hope you take your child's feelings into consideration, because they are the most important. 

Children carry their childhood into their adult lives; let's aim to make positive childhood memories to make positive and happy adults.

So many dynamics to parenting, but its always better when you share what you are going through and ask for advice

Till Next Monday

Stay Blessed




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