Tuesday 21 November 2017

Is It Possible To OVER-Boost A Child's Self-Esteem?

The mistakes of a parent walk the streets of the world. Who your child becomes is a product of your parenting, how they act, think, speak and live. Remember, our children do as we do, they copy what they see. Its tough to read, but its important to realise and thus correct your actions as early as possible.

Have you ever met an adult who thinks they are invincible, untouchable, always right? They are annoying because you can never relate to them. The arrogance and the 'know it all' makes it difficult to have a conversation, people ignore or avoid this type of person.

Have you ever met that teen that is reckless and doesnt care? He loses things, he does not respect authority, he can wreck a car or a bike. In all these scenarios, the parent will come rush in and apologise for his behaviour or replace the car or bike within days.
Have you ever seen that child in the playground who goes around pushing/hitting other kids and the mother comes rushing to protect him and apologise on his behalf? A few minutes later, he does it to another child and the mother rushes and does the same thing.

Each of these scenarios can have different reasons why children do it, but directly or indirectly, knowing or unknowing, you are giving your child a false idea of who he is. You are telling your child 'You are better than anyone and anything, and do noone can tell you otherwise. I will always be there to fix it.'  Patience actually said its a thin line between spoiling and boosting self esteem, which is so true. Each of these could also be seen as spoiling a child, which you are. It may seem confusing because someone may say this is not a self esteem issue, it is self-confidence/arrogance, but its a very thin line between the two.

 Self-esteem reflects a person's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self.

 It is good to tell a child that they are great, that they can do good, that they are the best, but we have to make sure that we are not telling our children that they are invincible and untouchable. Being an over-protective parent over our children's actions makes the situation worse. Teach your child to be responsible over his actions. A child believes who he is through what you tell him he is.

 Lets be aware of what we tell our children about themselves and our actions toward our child's behaviour. Our children are smart, and can manipulate our feelings remember that, and always know they are ALWAYS watching what we do

Let's create the children we do not have to worry over

Till Next Monday

Stay Blessed



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