Tuesday 2 October 2018

The Power Of A Parent

Many parents believe that they are at the mercy of their children; their days are run by their child. Some parents feel they need to let their child grow into their own character, and not influence or affect the process. Not making decisions for your children and allowing them to decide as they go along is not beneficial to your child.

The way we raise our children depends on how we were raised.
  • If you were raised in a strict household and you didn't like it, you will be more lenient with your children and try to be more of a friend than a parent to them
  • If you were raised in a strict household and you believe it worked for you, you will raise your children the same
  • If you were raised in a home with relaxed rules and you made your own decisions, if it worked for you, you would apply the same parenting style to your children. If it didn't work for you and you felt you needed more guidance and structure, you would be more strict.

What is interesting to note is that this all goes around with the next generation, they could do the opposite of what you did in terms of how you raised them.

Children are guided by us the adults. Yes it is true that each child has their own interests and we must try and nurture them to become their own people, but how do they become their own people without guidance? How are they expected to reason at such a young age? Learning through experience works, but is it necessary at such a young age? If you want them to learn that way, maybe explain the possible outcomes of their actions, then let them make an informed decision for themselves.

Try not to be controlled by your children; also try not to be too strict a parent. Find a balance that works for both of you where you both know who the parent is in the relationship.

Your child becomes who they are because of how you raised them, what you exposed them to, and what you taught them

Be the parent, raise your child 

Till Next Monday

Stay Blessed



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