Monday 10 September 2018

The Risks Of Posting Your Children On Social Media

Now this is a tough topic because I know many people will disagree with me, and that is fine. All I do is create awareness by providing information, it is up to the individual to decide what to do with that information, but it is always important to make informed decisions.

Every parent wants to share their beautiful child with their friends and family, and social media is the easiest place to do it. Yes there are privacy options, but are your posts really private? What stops your friend or family from sharing that post with someone else? 

Carte Blanche two weeks ago raised awareness on child trafficking and how these predators are going onto social media sites looking for children, and we as parents make it so easy for our child to be found. Sharing location of first day of school, birthday parties and trips away, makes it so easy for someone to just find your child and take them. If you are going to post, avoid sharing location, and also avoid showing your child in school uniform.  These people can lure your innocent child into their car and that's it. Does your child know not to speak to strangers? 

Some paedophiles actually look for pictures and post them on websites that are followed by other paedophiles. In Zimbabwe, we don't have a paedophile alert, but it doesn't mean there aren't any in the country.  With social media, posts are not only limited to your country, other people all over the world may be following your posts and you just do not know it.

If you are someone in the spot light and you post pictures of your children, they could be victimised at school by other kids, depending on your actions as a parent. They could be singled out and treated differently because of your celebrity status, is that really fair on your child? Some could even be bullied by the children of parents who do not like you because of your celebrity status. Your children are judged based on your actions. 

Do you really want your child's identity to be known from such a young age? Does that allow your child to define themselves when they are older and make their own choices of being known or not? It is fun now, but it may not be what your child wanted for themselves. They could have preferred to remain anonymous and may choose to avoid social media when they are older.

It is truly a personal preference as to whether one posts their child or not, and it is important to look at the pros and the cons of our choices. With technology, what you post or upload now, can still be viewed or found in the future, remember that.

It is tough being a parent in this world of ever changing technology, but it is important to stay on top of it as much as you can. Be cautious of your actions and protect your kids at all times, as much as you can

Till Next Monday

Stay blessed and stay safe



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