Thursday 8 March 2018

Are Fathers Taking Their Role Seriously?

Parenting involves two people, not 1. The mother is not the only person that should raise a child, children need a father too. Its a topic we discussed  before, but its a topic that is still important. 

Parenting is not something you can choose to do once you have a child. It is a full time job, your responsibility to guide that child through life. Life is hard and can get complicated sometimes, but you cannot quit, you cannot walk away from your responsibilities. 

We asked some men if they feel they are taking their role seriously and here were some of the responses:

The bad:
  • I cannot provide for my child because it is a tough economy
  • I am going through so much right now, I just cant take on that role. 
  • My wife doesn't let me do things with my child, so I leave it all to her to do
  • My role is to provide, so as long as they have what they need, I have done my part
  • Girls need their mothers more when they are young, I will take over when they want to get married
  • I don't think a child needs a father at a young age, plus I do not know what I am supposed to do with a young child
  • I feel women just want to do it all for the children and tend to make us feel like we are not needed, so I just let her be and do what she asks me to
  • My boys will be fine, they are at an all boys school, so they will learn manly skills from their peers and teachers
The Good:
  • I am the man I am because of my dad, so I will do the same for my children and teach them the values that I was taught
  • I have chosen to be an active father because I grew up with a father who was too busy for me, so I know what that feels like and I want to parent differently
  • I came from a broken home and my father chose to stay away because he couldn't handle my mother. So I have decided that whatever the situation, I will be there for my child
  • That's my child, and no one will raise that child but me 
Its a mixed bag of responses, with a few responsible ones, but that is the society we are living in now. 

The truth is that every child needs their father. You look at adults who didn't have a father/mother in their lives and you can tell that some of their character issues are due to that absent parent. 

To the fathers out there,
  • the age of your child doesn't matter, they need you 
  • the sex of the child doesn't matter, they need you
  • the issues around your relationship with their mother doesn't matter, they need you
  • your financial position doesn't matter, they need you
  • the activity they do at school doesn't matter, they need you there
A child learns love, security, respect, confidence from their fathers more; be that parent that builds a great human being, get involved

Till Next Monday

Stay Blessed



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