Wednesday 10 January 2018

Managing Your Expectations Of Your Child's Teacher

Happy New Year everyone! Happy start of the term to all Zimbabwean parents! It has been a crazy start, but I am grateful yesterday it only rained much later in the day. It was a bright start to the term! Now we need the

Grade 0, Grade 1, Form 1 are all the toughest years for parents. New school or first term at a formal school, we all have expectations for our children and from the teacher. We all want what is best for our child, but we also are not too sure who is supposed to take what role in raising our children. This is where a lot of parents get it wrong and have issues with the teachers.

Who teaches your child manners?
Who teaches your child respect?
Who teaches your child what is right from wrong?
To what extent is your child's performance the teacher's fault?
To what extent do you believe you should be involved in your child's schoolwork?

I heard a story of a mother who went to the teacher and said her child is rude and disrespectful and why hasn't she done anything about it? The teacher looked at the mother and said 'my job is to teach your child academically, not to raise your child for you'.  I had mixed feelings about it, I thought its partly true but I also thought, if my child is at school from 730am till 5pm, shouldn't the school teach the child some values? BUT at the same time, this is 1 individual looking after 27 - 40 children in a class, all with different cultures, backgrounds and rules; if I were her, would I be able to handle each child's needs and be sensitive to their upbringing? I don't think so. I would however ensure that each child has basic manners and learns respect, but to what extent I would instil it, I really do not know. It is hard being a teacher I think. Yes, the school has basic values and morals, but should the school discipline each child until they are in line, or should the parent also play a role? What happens when you have a parent that says stick to academics and leave discipline to me, what do you do then?

I think as parents we should remember the following things:
1. That is MY child and therefore my responsibility.

2. The school is there to do what I cannot do in terms of education and social skills.

3. I must play an active role in my child's education and not leave it to the teacher.

4. I must not expect the teacher to play my role as the parent. I chose that school (hopefully) for the reason that their morals and values are in line with what I want for my family, therefore I must complement what they teach.

5. I must be open as a parent to allow the teacher to approach me should my child be disrespectful or disruptive etc. (This helps the teacher to feel that you are willing to fix the problem and thus work with you to fix the problem)

These are just some thoughts we shared on the show, at the end of the day that is your child and it is important to know more about your child and get involved. Do not leave it all to the teacher

The school definitely has to handle issues that affect the performance of the children eg bullying, and I am not saying they must ignore or turn a blind eye, but it is something that you should not expect for them to solve alone.


New Year, New Approach To How You Raise Your Children

Till Next Monday

Stay Blessed


Disclaimer: These views are strictly the views of me as a parent. Nothing is set in stone to say you should follow my thoughts.

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