Monday 11 September 2017

Exploitation of Children

This last week has been so emotionally draining and confusing. A voice note of an interview done of a 9 year old sex worker was heard by so many people in Zimbabwe and other nations. It was tough to hear and also scary to believe. Within a few days our government intervened, the Minister of Parliament for that constituency intervened, Zimbabweans came together and voiced their disgust over the issue. People offered to donate money, others even donated. At a time where things in Zimbabwe are tough, worldwide there is just turmoil, people came together and tried to help. It was so nice to see and hear how people cared.

Unfortunately, the whole story took a turn and apparently it turned out to be an exploitative situation. I am not too sure how far true that is, I will leave that to the media experts and the public at large. Either way it shouldnt take away the merit of the issue.

So here are my views on this whole thing, strictly focussing on children:
1.  The organisation that highlighted the issue managed to raise awareness on what is actually happening. It definitely is an issue, so there was no wrong there.
  • The men that are sleeping with young girls,  what they are doing to these girls psychologically, is so disturbing. These actions will have long term effects on the children.
  • Exploitation of children based on the children's financial needs is criminal. To take advantage of young children because they need money or shelter or food is not right. 
  • These children are going to need alot of counselling, and it may take years or months, but the important thing is to make sure that we know that the children will need some help to get through this, past this and over this. 
  • Getting back into society to try and be 'normal' again, may take a while, but once they are protected and counseled, it is the start of their new journey. It will definitely be hard for them, but it can be done.

2. The WAY the organisation created awareness was inappropriate, they did not protect the  child.
  • Children are innocent human beings that need our protection. In their innocence, they trust us adults to protect them and guide them. 
  • An abused child should be protected not exposed to the media. It is important to highlight the issue, but to interview the child, I do not believe is in the best interest of the child. The focus now was on finding this little girl and saving her, what if the attention could have put her in harm's way?
People were concerned, donated and tried to help, and now trust has been lost as to where to give money or if to give at all. It has just made so many lose trust in organisations that are in our country claiming they want to help those in need.  I had people reach out to say they want to help, and my plan was to work with an organisation helping the children already.

For the girls that are in the situation, we need to help in practical ways with either the Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Social Welfare (which I would like to commend for what they did, and how they helped) or trusted organisations that work with the ministry to donate clothes, books, bedding, food even. Such donations do make a difference and I think that is what we can do as individuals.  

I hope we will know soon how we can help and where people can send their contributions to.  If I get any updates I will keep everyone posted. 

But thank you again to all who reached into their pockets and resources to try and help. It is not easy with how our own money is never enough, but we managed to think of someone who needed that money more. May you all be blessed for showing so much love.

We need to remember, children are a gift from God. They are meant to be protected, loved, educated and given opportunities to be great in their lives.  They are not a tool for our own selfish needs.

Let us help where we can, how we can and know that it takes a village to raise a child. Let us not turn a blind eye when a child needs help. Just because it is not your child, doesn't mean you shouldn't help.

Till next Monday

 Stay blessed


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